
The Days - Ludovico Einaudi

Don't forget the days that four of us spent together. I know we were not quite getting along with each other in the past. In fact, it was because I was often worried about you more than about other members. I hope these memories can help you go through current situations. We have the faith in heart that we won't abandon you this time, not for that.


       如果世间真有这么一种状态:心灵十分充实和宁静,既不怀恋过去也不奢望将来,放任光阴的流逝而仅仅掌握现在,无匮乏之感也无享受之感,不快乐也不忧愁,既无所求也无所惧,而只感受到自己的存在,处于这种状态的人就可以说自己得到了幸福。—— 《一个孤独的散步者的梦》

       The Day

       选自意大利钢琴家Ludovico Einaudi的专辑《Echoes: The Einaudi Collection》

